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The birth




Fritte was born on October 31, 1995 at 4.02 a.m. and he weighed about 100 grams. Fritte's name comes from a Swedish author, Frithiof Nilsson Piraten, because when Fritte was a kitten he had a black "patch" over one of his eyes. He looked like a pirate so he was called Piraten (the pirate). The "patch" disappeared when he grew older and so he was called Fritte (nickname for Frithiof) instead.

When he was born he looked very much like Sessan, who was born shortly before him. I was wondering how I should be able to tell them apart, and then I saw that on the tip of his tail Fritte had about one millimeter of white fur. Apart from that he and Sessan look very much alike, and had Sessan had long fur it would have been very difficult to see who is who.

In late April 2008, Fritte got sick, and he died quietly in my bed early one Friday morning.

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